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8ight, #3 of 8 exhibition series

by Özcan Ertek (TR)
Sound Object is showing the exhibition series 8ight, which will feature sound art and audiovisual art installations, performances and artistic research. This series runs from April to November 2024, with eight sequential presentations, each characterised by the number of acoustic sources/speakers: from one in the first exhibition to eight in the last.

#3 acoustic sources of 8ight – on view 13.06.,Thursday, 16-20h

14.06., Friday, 16-19h

15.06., Saturday, 14:30-19h

14.06.2024, Friday start 20h - space is limited!


// Özcan Ertek (TR)

// Leon Eckard (DT)

BELLS AND CANNONS by Özcan Ertek (TR) Bells had set the rhythm of the people for ages. Church bells were the clock for daily life. For centuries bells had been removed from bell towers during times of war and melted down for military purposes into cannons. War had seared the human landscape, adding to the radiance of bells an apocalyptic residue of explosion and torment. „Bells and Cannons“ is a generative sound sculpture that uses these sounds from the deep ecology of time, hidden and encrypted in the bells. 

The sculptural time piece is composed of three large brass discs, offering an infinite sound composition of a speculative weapon/instrument which emerges from a bell/cannon transformation.

By focusing on transformation between church bells and cannons, it distributes sounds and voices through the vibrations of the drum bells, transmits sound through and between different symbolic and psychical milieus.

Friday 14.06. will feature the performances

// Özcan Ertek (TR)

live performance setup with the sound object BELLS AND CANNONS

// Leon Eckard (DT)

In the context of exhibition number 3 of the 8ight series, Leon Eckard's performance deals with "Echoes of decay and transformation". ‘Echoes on decay and transformation’ is a live auditory exploration that delves into the perpetual cycle of creation, decay, and rebirth. Metal plates in various forms have been used since ancient times for ritual purposes related to death. Reflecting these practices, the performance features an instrument made from a rusted round metal plate, suspended and free swinging, with metal strings stretched across its surface.

The centerpiece, a transducer, vibrates the metal and strings, merging them into a new resonant field. Beneath the metal strings, piezo pickups capture the interplay of the different modes, creating non-linear feedback loops that are manipulated in real time. As the plate reverberates with the scars of its own history, the performance echoes on decay and transformation.

  about the artist 

Özcan Ertek (TK)

Musician and media artist born in Istanbul, based in Berlin.

After graduating from Mechanical Engineering, he completed his master's degree in Sound Engineering and Sonic Arts at Istanbul Technical University MIAM-Music in Advanced Research Center in 2015. Afterwards he studied Art and Media diploma and Art in Context master programmes at the University of the Arts Berlin. Ertek has been exhibiting kinetic sound installations in the context of new media, as well as performing as a musician in Berlin since 2018. His interdisciplinary works examine themes such as migration, urbanization, identity, human-machine-nature relations and critically resonate on the social effects of emerging technologies.

Leon Eckard (DE)

Leon Eckard is a Germany-based media artist, composer and musician. He studied Music and Media at the Robert-Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf and the Universitat de Barcelona with Jazz-Guitar as his main subject. Since 2022 he studies at the University of the Arts Berlin in the class Generative Art and is part of the collective S4NTP. Leon Eckard’s works and performances have been shown at renowned exhibitions and festivals worldwide, including Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Tehran International Electronic Music Festival, New Now Festival, CTM Vorspiel and xCoAx Conference.

His artistic field develops between installative, interactive and generative art and music, as well as performances with self-developed systems. In his works, Leon Eckard deals playfully with the ideas of perception, consciousness and emergence, while exploring new ways of creating and improvising sound.
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