11.-14. sound INSTALLATION
11.+12.08.2022, 16:00 - 19:00
13.08.2022, 12:00 - 19:00
14.08.2022, 12:00 - 16:00
Udo Koloska - 'playing the space with a small tin bucket ', 8-channel audio (3.54 min)
live performances – space is limited!
14.08.2022, 19:00 start
Ryosuke Kiyasu (JP) - snare drum solo
Shun Momose (JP) - guitar , electronics, percussion
about the artist
Udo Koloska, www.udokoloska.net
Sound installation "playing the space with a small tin bucket", 8-channel audio (3.54 min)
The composition based on a spacial sound performance. During the performance the sounds, their places in the space, their movements, the resonances of the space are recorded by a soundfield microphone and subjected to processes of superposition, selection and manipulation. The acoustic reality of the space becomes part of the instant composition.
Die Komposition basiert auf einer räumlichen Klangaktion. Während der Performance werden die Klänge, ihre Orte im Raum, ihre Bewegungen und die Resonanzen des Raumes mit einem Soundfield-Mikrofon aufgenommen und Prozessen der Überlagerung, Auswahl und Manipulation unterworfen. Die akustische Realität des Raumes wird Teil der unmittelbaren Komposition.
Artiststatment Udo Koloska is a Potsdam based composer, performer and sound artist. His works moves between different art forms and media from theatre to installative works to performance and experimental music. He is interested in the physical and spatial actions of sound production and explores and experiments with the technical materiality of media and their relationship to reality. On various levels, time and the relationship to the now and not-now is an essential anchor point.
Udo Koloska ist ein in Potsdam lebender Komponist, Performer und Klangkünstler. Seine Arbeiten bewegen sich zwischen verschiedenen Kunstformen und Medien, vom Theater über installative Arbeiten bis hin zu Performance und experimenteller Musik. Er interessiert sich für die physischen und räumlichen Aktionen der Klangerzeugung und erforscht und experimentiert mit der technischen Materialität von Medien und ihrer Beziehung zur Realität. Auf verschiedenen Ebenen ist die Zeit und das Verhältnis zum Jetzt und Nicht-Jetzt ein wesentlicher Ankerpunkt.
Ryosuke Kiyasu (JP), www.kiyasu.com
Snare Drum
Ryosuke Kiyasu has been performing as a solo snare drummer since 2003
and has been toured 55 countries. Also known drummer of his own leader band "SETE STAR SEPT", "Kiyasu Orchestra" and former founding member of "The Endless Blockade". He has been working as a drummer for Keiji Haino's "Fushitsusha" over 10 years. More than 200 works (including related works) have been released from various labels around the world.
2018 His performance video in Berlin was viewed 23 million times and created a huge buzz around the world. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=473194633196212
Featured BBC News in 2018 https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-england-tyne-45425992
Feature article VICE France in 2016 https://www.vice.com/fr/article/qbv4nx/ryosuke-kiyasu-solo-batterie-grind-noise
Interviewed Taiwan's news paper "Taiwan Times" https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3617510
Shun Momose (JP), https://soundcloud.com/shun-momose
Guitar , Electronics, Percussion
Shun Momose is an instrumentalist in avant-garde and experimental music. Having his original background in theatre, he explores the relation with audience and the ream between music, sound art and performing arts. As musical approaches, timbre, overtone and silence play important roles to knock your psychoacoustics perception.